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Boycotting Idaho Petition
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Some letter writing needs to be done.
I know it takes a lot of time to gather info needed.....I have tried to make things easy for you.......I hope that I have provided enough here. ...letter should be sent to your Senators and Representive in Congress.... thank you haviland

Send a letter to USFWS
Send a letter to Department of Interior
In response to the proposed delisting of the gray wolf in the Northern Rockies, and the eagerness of Idaho Governor and Safari Club member Butch Otter, and other such members of Idaho government to develop an extremely high licensed take of wolves upon delisting, the following is taken from a letter crafted by a concerned American after considerable research:

This is a sample letter that might give you some ideas.......

Dear Representative,

I am highly concerned about the Killing Frenzy going on in Idaho. Looking at the issues, I can draw but one conclusion: The rush to "manage" wolves through State controls is simply about trophy hunting. Wolves’ depredation of domestic animals is an extremely tiny economic factor, especially in Idaho, and neither are they significant predators on domestic animals in Montana nor Wyoming.

It is mostly Rich, Republican Welfare Ranchers competing to see who will hang the first wolf skin on their wall.

I find this embarrassing to Americans, and at odds with the vast majority of American People’s expressed intent to restore and retain wilderness values and our natural heritage.

I cannot believe the Republican Party has fallen into such a state of depravity when the Republican Governor makes international news, "I'm going to bid for the first ticket to shoot a wolf," Otter said. If that isn’t enough, you have Idaho Fish and Game Commission, again all Republicans, in the news after giving a 32 hour notice of a Public Meeting. A "no comments or questions" meeting, in which Governor Otter is given the #001 pelt tag. Pursuant of Idaho Fish and Game Commission Regulations. Pelt Commission Pelt Tags #002 -010. Pelt Tags #036 – 480 Auction Tags.

Concerning the Federal Government’s miscarriage of duties to execute the law in an honest manner, please refer to Department of Interior, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in the Federal Register: August 1, 2006 (Volume 71, Number 147) Proposed Rules] [Page 43410-43432] 50 CFR Part 17. To Remove the Northern Rocky Mountain Gray Wolf Distinct Population Segment From the List of Endangered and Threatened Species.

ACTION: Notice of 12-month petition finding.

The effective wolf population in this petition are grossly overestimated. This may be for several reasons. The methods used are inaccurate and outdated. Pressure being placed upon US Fish and Wildlife Service from appointed superiors, is clearly the predominant factor in rushing this petition through without sufficient long-term study. There are inconsistencies as to how each state's data are reported.

In truth, the wolf population increase started to decline 2002 in the Northern Rockies. By the end of 2004 the population had stopped growing and was down in Montana; Yellowstone was about stable and posed for decline, which occurred in a significant fashion in 2005. Wyoming was growing slightly, but wolf control by the government was so heavy there that it was the primary factor in determining wolf numbers.

Only Idaho continued rapid growth. Isn’t that odd? Governor Otter must do the wolf count there. At this time in 2007, mange, porvo, distemper and other typical canine diseases are taking their toll. It is much worse in Montana north and northwest of YNP. Idaho, with overlapping pack boundaries in the Northern Rockies, may soon be showing evidence of these diseases.

The above-mentioned document also contains such improbable errors as this: "in 2001, 97 breeding pairs and approximately 123 wolves were known to occur in Montana"; page 43411.

Idaho reported only 42 breeding pairs in 2005. Neither of these numbers is sufficient to prevent re-extinction of wolves, as common biological studies resulted in estimations of 500 as effective numbers of reproducing individuals as probably sufficient to maintain long-term viability of a species. Differences of scientific opinion are generally in the direction of 10 times the "500 individuals" figure.

Idaho has a great proportion of Federal land, and thus Idaho's area of the Northern Rockies and its biodiversity must be maintained in the interests of ALL the American People, not just for the blood sport of the wealthy.

Idaho’s arguments for elk losses do not hold up. Idaho Fish and Game Commission admits that elk numbers across Idaho are unaffected by the number of wolves there.

Only in a small district (Lolo) of National Forest land is an elk population declining. Since that decline, documented as beginning over 5 years BEFORE the reintroduction of wolves, to a level so low as to result in continued decline for demographic and other low-population endangering effects, the beginnings of success in wolf reintroduction cannot be blamed.

The Lolo District of Clearwater National Forest has been undergoing a period of regrowth to a dense successional stage after mid-century logging and fires temporarily cleared the vegetation to a suitable extent for elk. That the forest is restoring itself, we can be thankful for, but it was not an area in which the large ungulate had a strong historical presence.

Sir, the wolves were immorally eradicated from the United States due to false myths and fears, and greed. Great efforts were made during the 1990s to remedy this ill. Please do not allow the Bush Administration or narrow special interest groups to further impoverish America for all time.

"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are Treated".......Mahatma Gandhi
I would greatly appreciate you doing all in your power to prevent the removal of the gray wolf from ESL. at this time.

Haviland Gordineer [with editing and minor additions by Michael McLaughlin]

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